
La letra de Dreams...

Por curioso que sea la razón muchas canciones que eh escuchado me han gustado sin saber precisamente lo que dicen en este caso el japones no es algo que pueda traducir tan facilmente asi que suelo recurrir a mi abanza burro internet y buscar la letra en ingles que es mas facil de entender para mi...esta cancion me gusta desde hace mucho pero "nunca" se me habia ocurrido buscar la letra, ya lo encontré y ahora entiendo porque me gusta mucho.....


The forgotten dream is moving.
The crevice of my heart
Is beginning to fill up.

In the moment the frozen memories awaken,
We begin to wish for the future.

Until the day i see the dream
I will catch with both hands,
I won't let go or give up.
I want to keep believing.
Until the day i see that dream
That i'll catch with this hand,
Don't forget the memories
I want to keep chasing it.

Even when people's are broken,
Dont forget
That you are not alone.

The leftover dream in the palm of my warm hand
Will someday change into light

Someday, in this heart
I will embrace the memories.
I want to continue protecting those shining times.
Until the day i see that dream
I will continue struggling
And not release this hand.
I want to keep chasing it.

Someday, in this heart
I will embrace the memories.
I want to continue protecting those shining times.
Until the day i see that dream
I will continue struggling
And not release this hand.
I want to keep chasing it.

In the moment the frozen memories awaken,
We begin to wish for the future.
Until the day i see the dream
I will catch with both hands,
I won't let go or give up.
I want to keep believing.

2 comentarios:

Fernandina dijo...

Querido amigo:

Las sensaciones no requieren ser traducidas para que puedan llegar a penetrar en formas profundas.

Hermosa cancion.

Un beso, en idioma universal.

Horus dijo...

Gracias por las visitas. Hasta luego Manuel